Friday, October 30, 2009

Spring Security

I'm working on a project using the Spring Web MVC framework.  I was interested in learning more about Spring Security to have it manage authentication and authorization for me.  This way I can avoid having to write a custom form controller to manage authentication, and coming up with some home-grown ACL strategy.  I decided to try out the petclinic tutorial.  It seemed like after reviewing the information that I would be able to use Spring Security in my project.

So, I repeated the steps of the tutorial on my own project.  But I soon found out that the login page being displayed was not a jsp found in the petclinic project.  Instead, it is generated by the Spring Security library.  This won't do.  I need a login page that looks like the rest of my application.  So, off to Google I go...

Fortunately, I'm not the first person to have this same issue.  Thanks to Peter Mularien for putting together this excellent summary of and expansion on the petclinic tutorial.  The one thing I did differently in my project is that I wanted to enforce concurrent session control.  This is easily accomplished by adding the following to your security:http configuration:

<concurrent-session-control max-sessions="1" exception-if-maximum-exceeded="true"/>

However, I was experiencing a bad side-effect.  Now once my user logged out, they could no longer log back in.  After posting a question on Stack Overflow I discovered my own answer.  There is another listener required in the deployment descriptor to use session control:


Once again, I'm left with the feeling that Spring is great, but its lack of documentation for what I would consider to be core features is a chronic issue for me.  Spring is not for the faint-hearted or easily-frustrated.  One must have the intestinal fortitude to dig in and figure things out on their own...and search Google.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Programming Zen

  • C = an axe: lots of people use it for lots of basic, but serious jobs.
  • C++ = a double-bladed axe with a graphite handle and a rubber grip:  similar, but fewer people use it, and they feel special having held it in their hands.
  • Java = one of every kind of axe there has ever been, all lined up neatly in a row.
  • Python = that old stand-by pair of scissors in your top drawer.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

REST Services Supporting XML and JSON Using Zend Framework

I have been working on a project to build a RESTful Web service to handle provisioning requests for a PHP web application.  The developer working on the web app is using Zend Framework web MVC.  I wanted to stick with PHP so I could "hand off" the provisioning API once it is done.  After doing some research, it seemed that Zend Framework also had good support for what I wanted to accomplish with REST.

I have never used Zend before, and my most recent PHP experience was over three years ago, so I was hoping there would be good examples/tutorials.  Fat chance.  I found several other blogs that gave an account of their own personal trials (and in a couple of cases, successes), but nothing in the order of "official".  To give credit, Chris Danielson's post was my starting point but left quite a bit out that I needed.

First, why if I specified "format=xml" in my URL did the view still get returned as JSON?  This was unnerving to say the least.  After doing some digging, I found the answer on the Zend Framework Manual.  Specifically,  the section titled " Default Contexts Available" mentions that you have to disable automatic JSON serialization.  Minor detail?  So finally my XML view start working when I ask them to...

Next, how the heck do I access the request body for a POST or PUT request?  In Chris Danielson's blog, his example shows the following to get an incoming parameter:

This only works for the query string though!  So again, I did some looking, and found this:

Makes sense...but again, would have been great to see an example of this somewhere.   All of the blogs I looked at focused on GET if POST is never used.  :-)

Once I had these issues ironed out, it was just a matter of implementation.  But as I got further into development, I saw a pattern forming that seemed ideal for the Framework to handle.  It occurred to me that - for each method handler - I was:
  • Adding an action handler to context switch for XML and JSON
  • Defining a common document structure for the response (view) to be returned, regardless of context.
  • Wrapping the view in "resolvable" phtml documents that encode the document in the proper context.
Why is all of this necessary?  So I asked the experts:  read my proposal for ZF-7825.  As of this posting, the proposal is still under development, but my guess is this will show up in some 2.x release of Zend Framework.

Overall I would say that Zend Framework is a good choice if you're starting a new Web service project with PHP.  It is under active development by numerous contributors and supports a large number of features out-of-the-box.

You can download the code here.
